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Naučni radovi:

  1. Subašić, E. Eminović, I., Ibrišimović Mehmedinović, N., Omeragić, E., Uzunalić, H. & Ibrišimović, M. (2023). Influence of neutrophil elastase on total antioxidative capacity at elderly and geriatric patients. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences. JCBPS; Section B; August 2023 to October 2023, Vol. 13, No.4; 412-427.
  2. Moro, A., Pilav, A., Jogunčić, A., Bajramović, A., & Ibrišimović, M. (2023). CORRELATION BETWEEN RT-PCR CYCLE THRESHOLD, COVID-19 EPIDEMIC SPREADING AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE SEVERITY SCORES. European Journal of Biomedical, 10(2), 383-388.
  3. Jasmina Dedić, Nadira Ibrišimović Mehmedinović, Mirza Ibrišimović, Aldina Kesić, Zorica Hodžić and Nermina Hadžigrahić. (2022). Influence of mineral substances on the excretion of specific enzymatic activity of fungal pathogens as important recognition factor for the identification of invasive infections. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER). e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936, Volume-11, Issue-01, pp-138-144.
  4. Mirza Ibrišimović, Mirela Koro Čović, Ermin Paparačanin, Merima Čović Tarić, Harun Uzunalić, Amna Avdibegović, Ana Starčević, Edin Omeragić. (2021). Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) As Effective Combination Therapy for Decubitus Ulcers. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 10 Issue 12.
  5. Maida Hasanović, Nadira Ibrišimović Mehmedinović, Mirza Ibrišimović. (2021). Presence and metabolic activity of infectious agents as important clinical factor in gynaecological cytology. International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET). ISSN: 2454-5031, Volume 07 - Issue 11, PP. 07-13.
  7. Mehmedinović, N. I., Kesić, A., Šestan, A., Crnkić, A., & Ibrišimović, M. Biosensor Chip for Monitoring of Water Pollution as Novel Test Tool in Public Health: Proof of Principle.
  8. Mehmedinović, N. I., Ibrišimović, M., Dedić, J., Kesić, A., Hodžić, Z., & Hadžigrahić, N. (2020). Early detection of fungal pathogens in patients with immunodeficiency involving a novel biosensor technology. International Journal of Development Research, 10(04), 34939-34942.
  9. Balihodžić, A., Mehmedinović, N. I., Tinjić, S., Galijašević, S., Madacki- Todorović, K., Eminović, I., ... & Ibrišimović, M. (2021) Impact of Diuretics on Metabolic Activity of Urogenital Tract Microbiota in Women. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT): 11 pp. 27-33 (1).
  10. Tinjić, S., Abazović, D., Ljubić, D., Vojvodić, D., Božanović, T., Ibrišimović, M., ... & Ljubić, A. (2021). Influence of Autologous In Vitro Activation of Ovaries by Stem Cells and Growth Factors on Endocrine and Reproductive Function of Patients with Ovarian Insufficiency-A Clinical Trial Study. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility, 15(3), 178-188.
  11. Nadira Ibrišimović Mehmedinović, Aldina Kesić, Almir Šestan, Aida Crnkić, Mirza Ibrišimović. Biosensor Chip for Monitoring of Water Pollution as Novel Test Tool in Public Health: Proof of Principle. IJEAT, Volume-10 Issue-5, June 2021.
  12. Mehmedinović, N. I., Ibrišimović, M., Dedić, J., Kesić, A., Hodžić, Z., & Hadžigrahić, N. Early detection of fungal pathogens in patients with 5 immunodeficiency involving a novel biosensor technology. International Journal of Development Research, 10(04), 34939-34942, 2020.
  13. Ibrisimovic, M., Markovic, S., & Tinjic, S. First-Trimester Placental Morphogenesis as Potential Marker for Early Diagnosis of Chromosomal Abnormalities.IJERT, Vol. 9, Issue 09, Sept 2020.
  14. Tinjić, S., & Ibrišimović, M. (2019). Introduction of a routine sperm DNA fragmentation test as a significant help in evaluating male fertility potential. Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 10(10), 10407-10410.
  15. Tinjic, S., & Ibrisimovic, M. Pathophysiological Effect of Oxygen Free Radicals on Mobility and DNA Integrity of Human Seminal Spermatozoa, Vol 8. Issue 07, July 2019.
  16. Madacki-Todorović K., Eminović I., Ibrišimović Mehmedinović N., Ibrišimović M. Insulin Acts as Stimulatory Agent in Diabetes-Related Escherichia Coli Pathogenesis. Internationa Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research. Issue 4, Volume 5, December 2018.
  17. Ibrišimović, M., Ibrišimović-Mehmedinović, N., Dedić, J., Kesić, A., Marić, S., & Šestan, A. (2017). Effects of various metal and drug agents on excretion of enzyme aspartyl proteinase in Candida albicans and its role in human physiological processes. In CMBEBIH 2017 (pp. 731-735). Springer, Singapore.
  18. Avdić-Ibrišimović M, Ibrišimović M, Ibrišimović Mehmedinović N, Hukić M. A Novel Spectrophotometric Assay for the Determination of Biofilm Forming Capacity of Causative Agents of Urinary Tract Infections. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT). Volume 6-Issue 04. April 2017.
  19. Balihodzic A.,Henic H., Maltez N., Mrzic A., Music E., Omerbasic Z., Salhab A., El-Amin Zeid M., Ibrisimovic Mehmedinovic N., Salihovic V., Galijasevic S., Ibrisimovic M. - Alternative approaches for total protein isolation from human blood leukocytes. 2nd Conference of Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CMBEBiH 2017), March 2017.
  20. Ibrisimovic, M. A., Karlı, G., Balkaya, H. E., Ibrisimovic, M., & Hukic, M. (2017). A Fuzzy Model to Predict Risk of Urinary Tract Infection. In CMBEBIH 2017 (pp. 289-293). Springer, Singapore.
  21. Balihodzic A.,Henic H., Maltez N., Mrzic A., Music E., Omerbasic Z., Salhab A., El-Amin Zeid M., Ibrisimovic Mehmedinovic N., Salihovic V., Galijasevic S., Ibrisimovic M. Protein extraction from human white blood cells under influence of donor-related factors. Fifth International Student Congress in Austria, Maj 2017.
  22. Ibrisimovic Mehmedinovic N., Ibrisimovic M., Dedic J. Chromatographic isolation of superoxide dismutase enzyme from Calendula officinalis and its anticancer activity in vitro. European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 144 Issue 2, 2017.
  23. Balihodzic A.,Henic H., Maltez N., Mrzic A., Music E., Omerbasic Z., Salhab A., El-Amin Zeid M., Ibrisimovic Mehmedinovic N., Galijasevic S., Ibrisimovic M. Factors affecting total protein extraction from human leukocytes. European Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 144 Issue 2, 2017.
  24. Ibrišimović, M., Kesić, A., Mehmedinović M., Ibrišimović, N. (2015). Substrate addition and matrix optimization increased sensitivity and selectivity of the PLGA sensor, resulting in a stronger detection signal toward bacterial contaminations. TechConect World Innovation Conference and Expo, Washington DC.
  25. Ibrišimović, M., Ibrišimović Mehmedinović, N., Kesić, A., Pittner, F. (2015). Microbial biosensor- A new trend in detection of bacterial contamination. Chemical Monthly, 2015, 146: 1363-1370.
  26. Ibrišimović Mehmedinović, N., Ibrišimović, M., Kesić, A (2015). A polymer- based, optical biosensor chip for detection of microbial leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity and its potential as a novel, medical diagnostic test. The First Conference of Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CMBEBIH 2015), Sarajevo.
  27. Ibrišimović, M., Lion, T., Klein, R. (2013). Combinatorial targeting of 2 different steps in adenoviral DNA replication by herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase and artificial microRNA expression for the inhibition of virus multiplication in the presence of ganciclovir. BMC Biotechnolo, 13:54.
  28. Ibrišimović, M., Kneidinger, D., Lion, T., Klein, R. (2013). An adenoviral vector- based expression and delivery system for the inhibition of wild-type adenovirus replication by artificial microRNAs. Antiviral Research, 97 (1):10-23.
  29. Ibrišimović, M., Nagl, U., Kneidinger, D., Rauch, M., Lion, T., Klein, R. (2012). Targeted expression of herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase in adenovirus- infected cells reduces virus titers upon treatment with ganciclovir in vitro. Journal of Gene Medicine; 14(1):3-19.
  30. Kneidinger, D., Ibrišimović, M., Lion, T., Klein, R. (2012). Inhibition of adenovirus multiplication by short interfering RNAs directly or indirectly targeting the viral DNA replication machinery. Antiviral Research, 94: 195-207.
  31. Ibrišimović, N., Ibrišimović, M., Barth, M., Bohrn, U (2010). Biomimetic PLGA sensor: proof of principle and application. Chemical Monthly 141:125-130.
  32. Ibrišimović, M., Ibrišimović, M., Barth, M., Bohrn, Pittner, F. (2009). Biomimetic sensor chip monitoring real-time food degradation: correlating chemical deterioration with microbiological status. Chemical Monthly 140: 941-945.